Friday, January 24, 2014

Just a friendly reminder, that math games are coming home each week.  Students are encouraged to play the game with a family member and to complete the assigned activity sheet.  These games are designed to support our math curriculum as well as provide the necessary practice of completing home work, a pre-requisite for Grade Four.  Thank you to all of you whom have helped your child explore math.  Happy counting!
We had an exciting afternoon with High Tech.  We were given several different challenges to take as engineers.  We had to work together in teams to complete our structures.  Here is some of our work.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

We have begun our challenges for our Structures unit.  In this challenge, we had to build several different houses with a defined shape.  The houses were required to support our text book.  Many interesting designs came about as we tried to reach our goal.  Some were successful, some were not.  We all had fun!  What a delicious way to learn!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The crooked Little Christmas Tree

Just before the holidays, we read the touching story of the Crooked Little Christmas Tree.  We created our own versions of the tree.  We talked about the true meaning of Christmas and the spirit of giving to those less fortunate than ourselves. We celebrated how very lucky we are to live in such a great country! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We have finished our unit on Plants and the Temperate Rain Forest.  We learned so much about the life cycles of trees, pumpkins and slugs and snails.  Did you know that when you leave a pumpkin on a window sill, you get a lot of rot and bacteria?  We loved watching for the different signs of decay.

Now, we are studying space for the next term.  Watch for our class mural as it begins to unfold with our knowledge. We are looking forward to completing computer studies on the different planets that make up our galaxy.  It promises to be an exciting term.  We are also studying Structures.  We have High Tech visiting us next week to provide a hands on workshop designed to excite our engineering brains!  Watch here for more pictures in the next few days!